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English website of the German Biogas Association [Fachverband Biogas e.V.] now available

Freising, Germany.

++ Global interest in the activities of the German Biogas Association ++ Parallel content and extensions of the German website www.biogas.org ++ More demand for biogas expertise on international level++

As of Tuesday, 13 March 2018, the English website of the German Biogas Association [Fachverband Biogas e.V.] is online. All of the significant sections of the extensive German site are now accessible to an international public as well. “The great interest in German biogas technology and German biogas expertise continues unabated – demonstrated in part by the international interest in the BIOGAS Convention in December in Nuremberg. Now we can meet this demand with our website”, reports the Chief Executive Officer of the German Biogas Association, Dr. Claudius da Costa Gomez, happily.
In addition to information about the Association, its structure and its employees, in parallel with the German site, the English version offers information about how a biogas plant functions (see the “Biogas” section). The “Services” section provides an overview of the Association’s international activities and services (such as biogas trainings and technical consulting) as well as upcoming events and available publications. Under “Market Place” users can search for and find both technologies and information about project cooperation.

In contrast to the German website, the English version offers an “International” section with specific information about export promotion, EU policy, the international projects of the Association and development cooperation. Current press releases in English can also be found on the start page as well as an overview of Association brochures available in English, including the current Biogas Journal.

With the new website, the Association is meeting the needs of non-German speaking areas. “We hope to reach even more people interested in biogas all over the world with the new website and to promote and support ideas for using biogas internationally”, says Dr. da Costa Gomez.

The global development and promotion of biogas use is an increasingly significant focus of the Biogas Association’s work. The International Department is now the largest unit in the Association, with seven employees. The demand for specialised lectures, training in biogas issues, cooperation in international projects and in the expansion of other national biogas associations continues to grow. The use of biogas as a renewable energy source continues to gain significance internationally. As the largest biogas association worldwide, the German Biogas Association has taken this development into consideration with its new English website.


About Fachverband Biogas e.V.
Fachverband Biogas e.V. represents the biogas industry in the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) e.V. Fachverband Biogas e.V. is Europe’s largest advocacy organisation for the biogas sector and counts nearly 4,800 members, including operators, manufacturers and planners of biogas plants as well as representatives from science and industry.

German Biogas Association [Fachverband Biogas e.V.]
Andrea Horbelt
Press contact
Tel. 0049 - 81 61/98 46 63
Mail: andrea.horbelt@biogas.org