Who we are
The German Biogas Association brings together and represents the interests of substrate suppliers, plant planners and constructors, biogas plant operators, energy providers, and people from research and development as well as public bodies on a national and international level. We create platforms for exchanging opinions and knowledge and bring together the expertise of sector by coordinating industry stakeholders.
Our goal
Our goal is to expand the production and use of biogas based on local circumstances and thus to ensure a safe, sustainable, decentralized energy supply suited to regional contexts. Furthermore, this is supposed to result in positive effects on the environment. Supporting circular, sustainable economies and regional value chains are main elements of this goal.
How we will reach our goal
In addition to representing interests, important tasks of the German Biogas Association include improving framework conditions for the use of biogas based on local circumstances, being an active part in the development of technical standards for the construction and operation of biogas plants, and transferring knowledge by offering training measures.
How we interact with each other
The respective Association committees consult with each other in an open an honest manner, characterized by mutual respect in order to form opinions and come to decisions.